By Gudang Informasi Selasa, 24 Juli 2012 NBA 2K12 Player Tendencies NBA 2K12 Contested Shot Tendencies I was recently asked (by someone important) to dissect Contested Shot Tendencies (herefore known as CS) for a roster. This is generally a t...
By Gudang Informasi Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012 Association sim NBA 2K12 NBA 2K12 simulation of the NBA 2012-13 season Simulation run under the following specs My roster as of 7-21-12 (all player ratings edited, most player tendencies edited) All teams were h...
By Gudang Informasi Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012 NBA 2K12 NBA 2K12 simulation of the 2012 Playoffs I am running a simulation of the 2012 NBA Playoffs because I realize the playoffs are underway and I still haven't don't done one ye...
By Gudang Informasi Jumat, 16 Maret 2012 NBA 2K12 Player Ratings The Real NBA 2K12 Rating List REAL 2K RADIO! I've decided to start up my own radio show on The main thing that has always irked me about the "...
By Gudang Informasi Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011 Gameplay NBA 2K12 Fixing NBA 2K12, Part II I completed my ratings, tendencies, and assigned plays for the Celtics, and instead of running a CPU match I decided to play against them wi...
By Gudang Informasi Senin, 17 Oktober 2011 NBA 2K12 Sim Stats Real 2K Insider fixed the NBA 2K12 gameplay I completed my tendencies last night for the New York Knicks and tested them in a CPU match. I was pleasantly surprised with the results. I...
By Gudang Informasi Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011 NBA 2K12 Tendencies NBA 2K12 Post Up Tendencies & Synergy Data I've started the ground work on my player tendencies and have come across some disturbing trends among NBA 2K12's defaults. One thi...
By Gudang Informasi Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011 NBA 2K12 Team Ratings List of NBA 2K12 Team & NBA's Greatest Ratings What do you think of the "NBA's Greatest" teams? Which teams would you like to have seen? Here's a list of the numerical ...