By Gudang Informasi Selasa, 14 Juni 2011 NBA 2K11 Sim Stats The Real NBA 2K11 Rashidi simulates the 2011 NBA Playoffs Over the last few weeks I have been using Synergy Sports to update my NBA 2K11 roster. Now that the playoffs are over and I have fully edit...
By Gudang Informasi Rabu, 02 Februari 2011 NBA 2K11 Player Ratings The Real NBA 2K11 The Real NBA 2K11 [02-02-11] FILE NAME: The Real NBA 2K11 [12-24-10] SYSTEM: Xbox 360 GAMERTAG: Real 2K Insider DETAILS 85% of league's players have edited ratings a...
By Gudang Informasi Selasa, 21 Desember 2010 NBA 2K11 The Real NBA 2K11 The Real NBA 2K11 [12-24-10] FILE NAME: The Real NBA 2K11 [12-24-10] SYSTEM: Xbox 360 GAMERTAG: Real 2K Insider DETAILS 85% of league's players have edited ratings a...
By Gudang Informasi Senin, 20 Desember 2010 Fleeced by 2K Sports Insider Debacles NBA 2K11 My favorite tweet of all-time Ronnie2K BTW, the 2K Insider is on vacation (his first in years). So an #NBA2K11 update is held up until he returns. Seriously? Nobo...
By Gudang Informasi Jumat, 03 Desember 2010 NBA 2K11 The Real NBA 2K11 The Real NBA 2K11 [12-02-10] I just uploaded the roster to Xbox 360's 2K Share. Between 70-80% of the league has been edited (including tendencies). All rotations a...
By Gudang Informasi Kamis, 02 Desember 2010 2K Insider NBA 2K11 Analysis of NBA 2K11's [12-1-10] Roster EDIT: Now includes the few player edits from the 12-4-10 roster. Once again, The Real 2K Insider breaks down 2K's latest roster update a...